Here we have collected the most frequently asked questions. Please read them before contacting support.

Shipping Information

What shipping methods are available?

Currently we can deliver to every shipping method available in St. Maarten some popular examples would be DHL, reach out to us for more informaion concerning what shipping method would be best for you.

Do you ship internationally?

Yes we ship internationally but it is up to the customer to tell us what method they are using and to do ample research when comparing rates between shipping vendors. MNA is not liable to any cost associated with shipping charges outside of St. Maarten.

How might I obtain an estimated date of delivery?

Naturally we try to process every order and get it delivered to the shipping vendor that you have selected within 2 to 3 days, that can vary depending on the traffic of orders. Time after that depends on the vendor you have selected.

Can I split my order to ship to different locations?

No we generally require you to make two separate orders, our system assigns an order directly to the address that was entered. All items in that order will be sent to the address entered.

Payment Information

What payments methods are available?

MNA currently accepts debit and credit cards, PayPal and for wholesale customers we may take wire transfers.

Can I split my payment?

Splitting payment is not possible when ordering from mnaautoparts.com but is possible when in store.

Orders And Returns

How do I return or exchange an item?

please check our return policy (at the bottom of this page) to learn how you can return an item to our store and download the return form.

How do I cancel an order?

Access your account to cancel an order, in the orders section. Please note if the item has already been dropped off at the vendor you will no longer be able to cancel and get a refund.

Still Have A Questions?

We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Call us: